Click This Link

This will make you question everything.

Click This Link
11. March 2025 by Clickinsider / Affiliate marketing

Marketers aim to influence behavior. There is a link below, and our aim is to make you click it.

  • We win if you click the link.
  • We lose if you don't click the link.

This is the game, and we do not intend to lose.

This means we have to find a way for you to click the link below.

  • You win if you click the link.
  • You lose if you don't click the link.

This is The Game.

Yes, it's a game.

Who are the players?

Who are "you"?

You are the reader. We do not know you. You may be incredibly smart, or dumb. You may be a master persuader yourself, or not. You may reason with logic, emotion, both, or none. It really does not matter. We do not know who you are, and it will not change the outcome of this game.

Every reader, every visitor of this page, is unique.

This much we know. Thousands of people will arrive at this page. And they will all be participating in our game. We are determined to win.

We Will Win This Game 100%

We aim for a 100% click-through rate.

We won't track your click-behavior here. It's not even an experiment. It's a game. Most human things are games. Society is a game. It's all a game really. But you have probably never played a game like this before.

You get to choose how you play, but you don't really get to choose whether or not to play. You are a participant by default. In fact, you are in a game right now. You participate in our game. You know where to find the exit.

How We Won

Our goal was not to make you click the link below.

Our goal was to make you participate in this game. And you did.

Even if you skimmed this text, we won. We won because you're here and you are reading this.

The rules of the game were hidden. You are the player. We set the rules of this game.

This Game Is Not Over

Since you now are playing our game, you have the power to quit.

But if you quit now, you could miss today's biggest lesson. Or perhaps the most influental lesson in your life.

How Can You Win This Game?

This is a game. You are a participant, simply by reading this, and thinking.

Remember, we created this game. And you are in this game. Right now.

You know where to find the exit button, but how do you know if this will end the game? By this point we have invaded your mind. This text has altered your thinking. Perhaps forever.

Making an exit will not change anything. You are now in this game. Did you really think quitting this game would be as easy as shutting down your browser? Turning off your phone or computer will not change a thing. Your subconcious has been set in motion.


We will not force you into making a choice. You will have to make this choice. In fact, your subconcious have made the choice already. You may not feel like you know what is about to happen, but you have already made the choice.

Now act.

Click The Link