Make money with YouTube

YouTube is the world's largest search engine, measured in number of searches (bigger than Google!). Here you can read about markedsfrøing on Youtube, and to earn money in this video feature.

Make money with YouTube
22. February 2025 by Clickinsider / Make money online

Complete guide: How to make money with YouTube

If you are selling something online, or you have clients who are online, you should have videos on YouTube, it's free marketing.

Many people wonder:

  • How to make money on YouTube?
  • How to use YouTube to market your business?
  • How to sell products and services via youtube?

To really achieve this, you must have more information than what you get in a small article. There are many good books and guides on the topic. We recommend this page which has a good guide right about this guide: YouTube guide to marketing and money

Use YouTube and LinkedIn to market yourself!

The Internet can also provide you with income indirectly. Use the web to network or inspiration for business ideas.

This site is about making money online. Two indirect ways to do that is through inspiration online, and networking.

Inspiration to anything you can find online. Use the web to find new ideas, read what others think and feel, get feedback on your ideas and learn from others' experiences. Need inspiration on how you can earn money you can use our website.

Networking is also an indirect way to earn income online. We've written a bit more about networking below.

Building networks the "old way"

Network between people has always existed. This makes it possible for us to get professional help and solve tasks in a better way. Side effect of a good network is that you also get new opportunities.

Traditional approaches to network is to seek out seminars, conferences, networking and socializing events.

Networking 2.0

Internet can be used to build large networks without meeting a single person in real life. You can hjemefra build relationships and get 1000 friends on Facebook, or a huge professional network via LinkedIn.

Meet people face to face is something most people enjoy, but the fact is that the internet is much more effective to networking than doing it the "old way".

The best is probably still a combination, where you use both online and "offline" events to build your network.

LinkedIn best networking site

Best without a doubt the best tool today to network.

While Facebook is suitable for personal networking and friends, LinkedIn is the master of all masters when it comes to career networking, professional relationships and B2B.

We can, however, recommend that you take a look at this page: Networking on LinkedIn.