Scam & fraud warning

Scams and fraud on the Internet today has become a widespread problem. The victim which is scammed may be a naive person, but in many cases it is a person who thinks he is too smart to be outwitted.

Scam & fraud

Scams on the Internet: Fraudsters are attacking you from all sides on the internet. Read how to avoid phishing, Nigerian scams, online auction fraud, and other fraud methods.

16. February 2025 by Clickinsider / Get rich

Want to make money online? Baware of scammers! Here we will be discussing some of the most typical scams.

High blossoms now in full swing, over ten years after the dot -com boom. On the internet it is possible to make a lot of money, and it is not only honest business people who have understood this.

Scammers from east, west, north, and south have found ways to make illegal money online.

The best thing you can do yourself to make yourself from online fraud is to gain knowledge of how scammers operate online. Such knowledge provides better protection than any anti -spyware or other security software can give you.

Internet crime is increasing day. Fraud is however quite easy to recognize once you are aware of what is going on.

We have made a list of the most prevalent scams and fraud concepts on the internet today.

Fraud forwarding of products

You will be contacted or otherwise becomes aware of a foreign company or person that needs a person (you) to receive items in the mail and forward these to other foreign addresses. It can also be neccessary to get the cash that you deposit into your bank account. For this you get a percentage of the goods or money that is forwarded.

Products you receive are bought with stolen kredittkortoppslysninger from phishing. To forward these products to defraud clean. If it's money you transfer, so it can be paid by robbery or other theft.

Before defraud clean is finished with you, they may empty your bank account also using phishing.

Prize scam

" Congratulations, you've won an iPad! "

You get an email or see an ad that says you've won an item, or money, or a trip or something else. In order to receive the prize you must fill in your credit oppslyninger to cover postage and handling costs.

Your premiums will never generate, but you have been the victim of an identity theft and your personal information has been stolen and can be used to drain you of money or your identity can be abused.

Fraud online auctions

The most common way to scam online auctions are to auction out an item or service that does not exist. You pay, but get nothing.

Another way to cheat online auction, to mislead the purchaser that the product is something other than what it is. An example is a woman who auctioned off what looked to be mobile, but in reality it was just a picture of a mobile phone printed on an A4 sheet of paper, which she had specified in the auction with very small (it helped her however when the case came to trial).

Tips to Avoid Scams Online Auctions:

  • Products sold very cheaply from the market. This may be stolen goods, replica / imitation brands. It might be scams where you get the product, or you get something completely different than what was advertised.
  • Users of online auctions with a lot of bad press.
  • Users without prior discussion.
  • Users with only a few positive reviews (may be placed by the same scammer)
  • Ads where it appears that you get a product, but you only get a discount coupon to buy a product cheaper.
  • Blackmail: Scammers can push you by giving you negative ratings, or other forms of intimidation.

Phishing scams

Phishing can be a far more advanced form of fraud, but are also found in simpler forms.

This scam is carried out so that you receive an email from what appears to be from your bank, a website that you are a member of (eg FaceBook or dating site), from a postal service, or otherwise. In many cases, they may not know what services you use, but email can be sent out to millions of people, and some of these will use these services. Next time someone tries phishing scam on you, you might as well appear to be an email from your local bank.

Email you receive, they tell you to do something, and you must do it quickly. They can, ironically enough, warn you against fraud, or it could be that you need to create a new password to your online bank or you can get an email from an online store where it says that your order was not processed and you must supply your credit card details again. In the email is a link, you click on this, and it appears that you get to the authentic side.

For example, it may appear that you have come to, all graphic design looks like on the real Internet banking and login procedures are the same. Even the URL (address) may be quite similar. Maybe it looks like this:


Look again at the above address.

This page does not direct to, but a page that goes to your domain The address is often even longer, so you will not even see the name of your domain! The domain may be so new that your browser does not have a security warning for this domain, and no other security software may warn you in time. When they got wind of this scam, they already have emptied your bank account.

Therefore, you should never click on a link in an email, even from the companies you think you trust. There may be a phishing attempt. The solution is to enter the address manually and log in as usual every time.

Other times, the scammers actually lead you to the authentic side as they claim. You will be taken to your bank, but they do so via a special link so that you get a pop as well. Here is no address in the little popup window, but only the address of the online bank that is in the window in the background. When it all seems very authentic and many are convinced that this pop-up is also part of the bank's own pages, but this is fraud page.

Spoofed too many billions of such phishing attempts each year. Watch yourself next time: Would this service contacted me this way to ask me about this?

Nigerian scam

You will receive an email from a scammer who says he is a rich Persian prince, a Nigerian forretingsmann, one who has inherited a lot of money and that will hide it from his family, or anything else. He needs to transfer money to a foreign account, and will send you the money, but needs your help.

Be his partner, and are asked to dispose of an account where he can deposit money. Before money can be put into the scammer must pay thousands of dollars in legal fees, taxes, bribes, or other fees. What happens is that you pay this money and the scammer runs off.

Another variant is that you receive a check from the scam clean and you are asked to raise it in the bank, and transfer eg. 75 % to another account. You get 25 % of the amount. The check could be $ 100,000, and transferring $ 75,000 to defraud clean. Later it was discovered that the check was fake, that you have raised in the bank. This is a crime, and you have now given clean cheat 75.000 million, while probably should plan on spending several months in prison.

If you are asked to meet defraud clean abroad, it is not primarily the prison and the loss of money that is the greatest danger. Many victims of Nigerian scams that have traveled abroad have been killed.

Not all are scams

Internet is simply not as dangerous as the media would have us believe. Are you aware and critical of what you see on the internet will be a lot before you become a victim of fraud.

The web is flooded with golden opportunities for people to find cheap objects as well as great business opportunities. It 's a shame about scammers to scare people away from this well, the internet is after all very helpful.

Learn more about how you can use the internet to make money in a safe and secure manner.