Social Trading & Investment Networks In This Golden Financial Era

All you need to know about social trading, community investments and social trading investment networks.

22. February 2025 by Clickinsider / Make Money

Social trading is a speculative form of trading that involves linking together traders, investors and speculators to a huge online network.

THe largest social trading service on the web contain millions of traders who all take advantage of their collective knowledge. These services are highly recommended.

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All trading involves risk. Only risk capital you're prepared to lose. Past performance does not guarantee future results. This post is for educational purposes and should not be considered as investment advice.

How to get startd in social trading

As a trader in social investment network can benefit from others' knowledge about currency trading and commodity trading. But this is more than an online every where you share knowledge, you can also use the network to trade directly via their integrated trading platform.

Trading socially

With social trading networks, you can automatically copy the trades of any trader in the network (for those traders who have allowed their actions to be visible to others).

Note that to use socail trading networks you must first register but owning an account is completely free. You can trade for as long you want before making a deposit, and you decide if and when you will deposit any mony into the account.

Social trading, what is it really?

You probably already understand now the concept Social trading. It is to share experiences with other traders, and actively take advantage of this in a constructive way.

Wikipedia defines social trading as " processes which executes investors trading decisions based on a comprehensive financial information available via various online applications ".

Previously, there existed a common meeting place that has been suitable for social trading.

Financial analysis better than technical analysis?

Technical analysis is based on historical rates. Social financial analysis based on human actions, where instead of focusing on the courses itself, can focus on what the best traders are doing.

It is simply a system where one identifies strategic " bell sheep ", so that one can almost docile in order to make good trading decisions.Social

Financial analysis is short, one of the most important tools a beginner can use. Experienced traders would probably still have to deal with technical analysis and fundamental analysis, but if you wanted a system that makes it easy to find out what the pros shop, so you now have it through social degree also provides graduates analysis.

Why social financial analysis?

Until now, fundamental analysis and technical analysis prevailed to take decisions on investments.

Now new social indicators given investors and traders worldwide a new set of real-time data in an open system displays all transactions carried out by traders in the network.

This is the new way to analyze financial markets. After all, the psychology that dominates movements in the financial market, and social financial analysis gets you closer to the psychological element than any other form of analysis.


Financial analysis is a trading instrument that has come to be.

The new way to make money in finance

You no longer need to base your investments on technical and fundamental analysis.

Now it is no longer technical analysis and fundamental analysis, and neither sentiment analysis is the most important tool. At least not if you're doing social trading.

It would be foolish to ignore the social factor in trading. He who knows little about trading psychology knows that dominate the financial markets. Fear and greed are the governing factors. The social analysis is a good bit closer to these factors than technical and fundamental analysis ever will.

In time, social financial analysis could prove to be the dominant form of analysis. Today, missing data for this analysis form will be particularly prevalent outside the network where such social data is available.

For safety, stick with the larger investment network

The large social investment networks on the web allows you to use data from millions of traders to make investment decisions. You can select the best traders and follow these automatically by copying their actions. This is carried out fully automatically, which means you can sit back and let other traders do the job for you without it costing you anything extra.

You can also be a passive spectator of the most brilliant traders, and not do other than observe, and thus learn what they do to make money.

Social investment networks will let you trade currencies and commodities. It's free to create an account and you can then trade with free demo money to get experience with their trading platform.