Blogging for Cash is not a Conspiracy Theory

Many people want to make money blogging, but it's not as easy as you might think. With these tips on how to run a money making blog you can get some on the way.

22. October 2024 by Clickinsider / Make Money

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Many people earn good money from blogging. You may wonder how a blogger earns revenue, and we will let you in on the details.

It's easy to start a blog. Make sure you are using your own domain, and a good web host. Start with getting you your own domain and hosting at Bluehost, and use their one-click Wordpress installer (they even have other blog-scripts if you want something more advanced, or even something less advanced than Wordpress).

Create your own blog on your own domain here

How to make more money with your blog

Blogging is all about getting traffic, and as many readers as possible.

To get traffic to your blog, we recommend that you use this brilliant traffic generator, which is simply an awesome service for those of you that wish to get as many readers as possible using nothing more than a simple strategy to increase rankings in the search engines, it is truly one of the best solutions we have ever tried for increasing traffic at almost no cost. The effect you might want to first look after 1-2 månender, but it could multiply the number of readers and is really worth it. Click the link for more information.

Then we come to what many have probably been waiting for. How to earn money from their blog?

  • Is your blog popular so this is never a problem. Do you have 500 or more visitors per day, you could easily recoup advertisers.
  • You can also sell your own services or promote yourself through your blog, which can be seen as an indirect source of income (use your blog to get jobs and freelance offers, for example).

Problem is that many blogs are never popular. They may have 50 regular readers, but how do you get 1000 to 100,000 readers of his blog?

Traffic is the key word. If you get traffic to your blog, then you earn money. There is no problem to monetize a blog as long as the traffic is there.

Blog design: Create the perfect blog

If you are a professional designer, you can also make own design or use ready wordpress design (they get free at Bluehost way). If you want a more proffit appearance can ask someone with knowledge on what to design your blog. Moreover, it is not that difficult to create a blog design itself rather, something you can easily do with a photo camera and a free image editing program, the likelihood is great that you have such a program already installed on your computer.

Making Blog: What You Need

Many people earns thousands from their blogs, and some earn up to several thousand dollars a day. Others are unable to earn a thousand even on a monthly basis.

You must do this before at all to start making money from your blog:

  • Get a domain (happy or something more catchy that is easy to remember)
  • Get a web host (it stores your data files, ie photos and blog posts etc..)

You can buy cheap domains on Bluehost, here they also affordable hosting (and free domain for those who book hosting / server space - something you Must have to launch your blog to appear). Avoid free solutions, all the bloggers who make the most use their own hosting.

To those who have not got it, so have therefore Bluehost an opportunity to create a blog easily directly through their systems. This is free accessories to all who order hosting at Bluehost (and it is also free domain / ie. Included).

Which domain should you choose?

Domain all know what is. What many people still are not aware of is the domain to which you should choose.

A bad choice would be for example - a serious blogger chooses not such a subdomain. You must obtain your own domain, such as or

First name plus anything else that fits can also work well. Example:

Do you have a special interest (who has not got it) then you can certainly use it in your domain name to your blog. For example A domain name that describes yourself or your status can also be helpful. For example

Important to remember when buying domain:

Style="text-decoration: underline;">Not use subdomains. A blog must be on a separate domain, not in a cheap (free) subdomain. Pay for hosting, it will always pay off if you are going to monetize your blog.

Free blogs are advertising and a lot of hidden code that collects information about your visitors and a lot of unwanted features that we shall not go into here. It has been written about many times before, and the conclusion is always that you should buy your own domain and own server space, especially if you expect to monetize your blog.

Use a good hosting service. The one we have recommended above that you see Bluehost. This is because there is no service on the net that is better if you expect to get a cheap solution and also an easy way to create and maintain a blog.

Course to Monetize Blog

Check out the website How to make a fortune from blogs, this site shows you all the "secrets" to make money blogging. This is a very interesting site that we recommend that all bloggers are taking a trip back. It offers many great tips that ganratert going to make you a richer blogs.

With these tips, you can create a blog already, and eventually start to earn really good money from blogging. This is not done overnight, but as we said at the beginning: if a lot of teenage girls are able to monetize their blog, how hard can it really be?

Even teengers make thousands every day from their blog why don't you?

Because you don't know how. Yet.

Some young people earn very much on their blogs, some 13-15 year old girls and boys earning more than both parents combined. If a teenager can earn over 30,000 a month, then maybe you should also be able to handle it? Some even make over a million a year from their blogs.

Let's look at secrets to some bloggers.

You don't have to become a national blogger, or an international blog sensation. Your local area is where to begin. People that are living close by will have more in common than people on the other side of the earth. Or maybe you can blog about something that just a few people worldwide have interest in, then you should maintain a global audience.

"Pink Bloggers" writing about fashion have earned good money from their blog. A common denominator for many bloggers is that they focus on issues of interest to many, such as makeup, clothing, fashion, or they play in body and sex, more or less unconsciously. It's not just girls who earns good blog, like many boys fetch money from their blog.

If one teenager can earn hundreds of thousands a month on the blog, can not you too?

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