Get a part-time job

Did you know that you can get a part time job today, right now? Your job opportunities are more than what you might think.

Get a part-time job

Get a part time job already. We have compiled a list of many good job opportunities that you can start right away.

9. March 2025 by Clickinsider / Part-time jobs

Have you ever complained about having little money, bad economy, or that you earn too little?

Following list provides part-time jobs and employment opportunities to all. You do not even need to contact an employer. Pointwise below are the ideas and tips on how to make money on a little of everything.

Here are some part time jobs that you can start making money right away:

  • Blogging. You read that right! Even some tweens are making tons of money doing this. Learn how you too can monetize your blog.
  • Currency Speculation. Buying and selling of currencies can give you a fantastic return on your money. It is not unusual for a currency trader to earn several million dollars a year. The risk mean that this is something that is not suitable for everyone (but the risk can ekponerer out can always be adjusted). Here are our top tips on forex trading.
  • Dropshipping. Here is a very interesting way to make money, and it is not very difficult either. All you need is to have the right contacts, ie a network of dropshippers that gives you permission to sell their goods through eBay or your own online store. More information about dropshipping and wholesale.
  • Work from home. There is a lot you can do from home, such as working and build up more revenue for themselves. Thanks to some soup heads there are many who are skeptical about the "work from home opportunities." Forget the super duper amazing deals that will make you rich by selling shampoo from the living room. Here is the real interesting work you can do from home.
  • Start a business. Being an entrepreneur is not the world's easiest things to be. The key to success is that you have a good business idea and plan well (see our suggestions for good business ideas that you can anyone can make money from).
  • Sell photos online and get commission every time someone downloads your photo. This is actually possible to make quite usable with money. The recipe is simple: You snapping pictures, they put out so many image databases on the web as possible, and every time someone buys a right (or license) to use your image will get paid commission on the sale. Taking the company behind the picture database 15 dollars for the picture, you can eg. 50 % in commissions. With enough downloads and enough images left out, it can become a million of such sales picture. Learn more about how you can earn money from your photos.
  • Make money on the internet. Much wonder has been written to generate income from online. Not all options discussed have equal potential, but some things you can work with online are real gold mines. We have identified the most appropriate jobs on the internet.
  • Create and sell applications. There is a vast market for applications and games for iPhone, iPad, smart phones and other portable devices. You can develop apps even without any programming skills (Outsourcing can be cheap). With viral marketing and help from the AppStore, you can earn millions if your app hit. Read more about how to make money from creating apps.
  • Become a virtual assistant. Outsourcing online is a huge industry. The services Freelancer you can find huge amounts of projects that people and businesses have posted that they want help with. It can range from logo design, support assistance, web development, forum moderator tasks, programming, and many other things. Freelancer has several thousand clients, and there are always many projects lying there that you can take part in if you have the proper qualifications. Read the rest of what we have written about outsourcing.
  • Participate in market research. There is even money to be gained from participating in panels where you sit in the focus groups, answering paid surveys and otherwise participate in market research. It's not a way to get rich, but even so, you can make a few bucks from this and it is not difficult. The projects funded by companies who need information about consumers and markets, and specialized agencies have the task of gathering information about the market. By registering with these agencies you too can take part in such paid surveys.
  • Trading gives you the opportunity to achieve a return on your money. There is always a possibility that you invest will go down in value, or at worst you lose everything you have invested. It turns out, however, that in the long term it can be much more profitable to invest money in stocks barriers than in the bank, but risk must naturally be considered first. Learn more about buying and selling stocks.
  • Outsourcing is to pay others to do a job for you. Let's say you have an idea of a computer program, but have no programming skills. If this program costs $6000 to develop the program, and you estimate that you can earn $80,000 by selling this program, it goes without saying that you are onto something. How to earn money on outsourcing.
  • Create a revenue generating website. The internet offers so many opportunities to make money, and one option is to create web sites. There are now quite a few who make money on their website (eg online stores and web services). Many have earned millions from their website! One must of course start small. We show you how to start make money from your website.
  • Investing in real estate. Those who have money and who have the ability and willingness to lend large sums of money in the bank can earn good money in real estate investments. Purchase of office buildings, apartment buildings and larger properties require capital, but as always you can start small and work their way up. Read what we have written about real estate.

We guarantee you; list contains many very good business opportunities. It's not something we say to boast of our list, but because many of the things on this list offers good opportunities to make money.

Whether your goal is to get rich or to just get a part time job you will find something in this list that will suit your needs. Just try

Easy ways to make money

How to earn money easily? Is it at all possible, and there is such a thing as easy money? Yes, we believe, and when you read the words you'll understand why.

Let your money work for you

The easiest way to make money is to start with much money. If you already have a lot of money you can make investments that make your money work for you.

Estate investments. For example, you can invest in real estate. Buy yourself an apartment building or an office building, and live well on rental income. If the apartment building cost 15 million and you only have 800,000 in the account, you can convince the bank that the project is profitable enough and you will get a loan.

Trading and Finance. Another thing you can do if you have money is to invest or trade in financial markets. There are many possibilities. Forex might not an easy road to riches, but if you find out how you can generate great returns in the currency market you will make good money. Trading is another possibility, and historically it has been shown that the share savings is more favorable than bank savings.

An alternative twist to let your money work for you is to let other people's money work for you. This business model banks know well, but we 'll go into that here.

There are several ways to make easy money, more tips on this follows below.

Passive income

Passive income can be so many things. If you have money in the bank already, so chances are that you already have some passive income from interest. Money in a high interest account in a bank will give you a small return.

Income that is passive can also be so much more. Those who write books earn passive income from book sales, same with musicians and those who otherwise earn ongoing commission on the work they have done previously.

It goes without saying that this is a lucrative way to make money, but passive income is never by itself. It is like that you have to do the work first, and then you gain money afterwards, just as with bank interest rates: first you work to make money, and if you put money in the bank you get interest rates as long as the money is in the account.

It is not necessarily easy to do which means that you earn passive income, but once you get there that " the machinery runs by itself " can enjoy life while money rolls in to account.

Start their own business, you can eventually surrender leads to other people, and become a passive owner. You can then take part in the profits of the business, even if you are not employed by the company. A very different example of passive income can be selling photos online, where you receive commission every time someone buys a right to to use your images in their materials. Another passive income source is automated foreign exchange trading, more on this below.

Easy money, fast money...

Proposals above are " easy money " if you go on to learn about this. Everything has to be learned first, but once that is done, you can expect to earn money in an easier way. You can do it full time or part-time work, the choice is yours.

There are many ways to make money that is not particularly difficult. Some work 80 hours a week and earns just under €100,000 a year, others work 35 hours a week and earns 80 million a year. The work is not always in relation to the effort, but rather in terms of risk.

Available parttime jobs right now

It is not certain that you can find your dream job in job ads. Available jobs being advertised is only a fraction of your options. Job ads show just what the job offers public right now.

That does not appear in the job ads are working as advertised internally, and perhaps more important jobs you can do on your own. You 've probably heard all the clichés about working when you want, make a lot of money, be independent, own boss and so on. We have found suggestions that make all this possible.

If you go in with an open mind, you will see that there are a multitude of employment opportunities right where you are now. It does not matter if you are on Hardangervidda or in Oslo, some jobs can be done from anywhere.

Here are the jobs you can get right now:

  • Work as blogs, Work in dropshipping
  • Jobs you can do from home
  • Business Ideas own business
  • Shooting and earn commission on photo sales online
  • Diverse job opportunities on the internet
  • Work as a currency speculator
  • Become application developer
  • Try a full-fledged " money machine "
  • Get virtual projects freelancer
  • Paid surveys
  • Start with stock trading
  • Get a job in outsourcing
  • Earn income from own website
  • Start your own business
  • Trying to get rich?
  • Be estate investor (remember: money can be borrowed)
  • Get a summer job
  • Find part time jobs

Learn more about all these jobs now, just take a look at the Smart Little Man homepage and get ready for making tons of money.

Now you have no reason to go without a job. The links will forward you to the tutorials and articles on this site, and here are tips that make it possible to earn money today.

Although there are many good job opportunities above, this is just tip of the iceberg. You can surely find something else to make money also. How to write a book, providing consulting services to businesses, or something else entirely? The possibilities are many, what stops people is the belief that there is no work. In our modern world is always something to make money, no matter where you are.

Explore the possibilities above. During the next hour you could have got yourself a new job. Have a nice working day!