Digital camera cash: Monetize your photos

You can earn money simply by shooting pictures and then selling your photos online. This is actually easier than you think! See how.

Monetize your digital camera

Capture images and earn: Quite a few know how lucrative it is to sell their images online image databases. You get paid a commission for each image download. To be successful you must be able tricks, and you can learn more about these "secrets".

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Here is a good opportunity to make money. Not many people know about this, and it is a pity, for there are many who could have served up some money.

Anyone can make money online image sales. It does not have much to say if you are a professional photographer, amateur photographer or a beginner.

What you DO NOT need: You do not have a professional photo camera to begin with this. You also do not have their own website, expensive photography equipment or make other major investments.

What you need:All you need is a digital camera and internet access, plus knowledge of how to effectively monetize this.

What you need to do is to take pictures with your digital camera, and add these images into image databases on the Internet. An automated process is also possible.

In our calculations, we see that some photographers earn more than 150.000 million a week on picture sales over the Internet We have estimated with simple math, you can do the same: Check out any popular image database, see how many downloads the best photographers have, and multiply the number of downloads of commission income per download. When you see the lucrative industry this is. Even amateurs who have relatively few downloads can earn good.

Not so hard to make money on this, but there are some tricks and tips you should know before you get started. We will not go into detail on this, but recommend DigiCamCash useful information and inspiration.

How to make money selling photo online?

What you need to do is lay out your digital photos in image databases on the Internet. Probably there are several thousand such image databases on the Internet. It is possible to automate the process of uploading, this is one of the many tricks that make it easier to make money online pictures.

How should you publish your photos?

There are loads of places to publish your photos, and all serious image databases paying their photographers. There are thousands of image databases, the most relevant for those who want to earn money from your photos can be found at DigiCamCash.

Pictures are posted, you want someone to buy the picture.

Who buys the pictures?

Images acquired in image databases can be used in many contexts, such as in newspapers, on websites, in advertisements, blogs, and so on.

The purchase is actually a license (or a right) to use your photo in your own materials. As a rule, those who purchase the image use it freely, without disclosing the author.

How much money can you make in one picture?

When someone downloads an image, you'll usually earn commissions. Some image databases pays you a lump sum per image, but most are based on the commission payment.

You then paid according to how many people download the image, and what size they download the picture in. Small photos cost less than high-resolution images. Of the purchase price, you get a certain percentage, which varies from 10% to 90 %, again depending on what kind of database you are using.

An example of how much you can earn:

Let's say you take a great picture of Parliament. This picture puts you into an image database. Within one year, the 125 downloads of this image. For every download you earn on average 35 dollars, and you have earned 4375 million - only this file. If you put the image in more image databases, you can earn even more.

In the example you earned 4375 from just one image. Do you print multiple images you can earn much more. Do not forget that you will be able to earn money from your photos while they are in the photo database, and usually they will be available there for several years.

The biggest secret to making money on the sales picture is (as you can see from the example above) to get published as many pictures in as many image databases as possible. By automating routine and following the tips in DigiCamCash will be able to earn good money selling photo online.