Get Rich Online: List of Opportunities (No-BS)
There are literally thousands of ways to get rich online. Finding opportunities is easy, but finding your own path can be a challenge. That is why we made a list of all MMO (Make money online) opportunity with high-earning potential.

Get rich online. Forget about all the ways you could be making a little extra money online. You want to get rich, dammit. We've made a list of the make-money-online opportunities with the highest earning potential.
This document will cover the following topics:
- Make Money Online (MMO)
- Get Rich Online (GRO)
Who was this page made for?
- You are looking for ways to make money online.
- You are not interested in just making just a little extra money.
- You are searching for ways to get rich online.
- You want to discover the MMO opportunity that is most relevant for you.
- You want to discover your path to get rich online.
No BS. No scam. No bluff.
The purpose of this page is:
- to compile a list of all the ways people can get rich online.
- to make it easier to identify opportunities with high-earning potential
In other words, this page will help you to discover the money-making opportunity that is most relevant to you.
Further down the page we will share with you the list of opportunities to get rich online. For free, it's all here on this page.
We won't sell you the dream
We won't pitch the millionaire lifestyle. Promise.
On this page, we're going to list actual get-rich opportunities from around the web. And you'd better bookmark this page, because it will be updated once in a while, whenever we discover new and interesting thing related to making tons of money online.
We'll show you a list of ideas and strategies on how businesses and people all over the world can begin to make tons of money online. For free. On this page. And that's it.
But before we present you this list of opportunities, let's define what we intend to exclude from the list.
Excluding Low-Earning opportunities
You probably know about a few ways to make money online already.
Things you could do to make a little extra money. Things like:
- Selling your personal stuff on eBay.
- Taking surveys for cash.
- Freelance writing.
- Coupon hunting.
Stuff like that. These might be legit options, and interesting opportunities for some people.
You might earn some extra money from these things. Small amounts. A few dollars. Or a little more. But not much.
You are seeking something else.
You would like to make a lot of money online. Tons of it.
You want to get rich.
Or at least, you would like to experience making a larger amount of money online. Do it once and you know how it's done. And then you can do it again and again. And again.
You're seeking the maximum reward for your time. You would like to identify the number one thing you could do to make the most money possible.
Excluding BS and Scams
So many MMO "opportunities" are obvious scams or BS.
Search for "make money online" and you should be able to find many examples instantly. Browse random sites and you will often come across those dishonest and repulsive MMO ads.
Some people are capable of believing just about anything, including every MMO advert ever produced:
- "Get filthy rich quick in less than 24 hours."
- "This weird trick will make you $70,000 in 7 days. Guaranteed."
- "How I made a million in 10 days. And you can too!"
- "Buy this FREE eBook for just $39.99 today and learn how to make $3,372.83 per month."
If you happen to fall for the most obvious MMO scams, then perhaps this page is not for you.
You don't need to be a genius to make tons of money online but a certain level of intelligence is required.
Requirements For Getting Rich Online
The universal law on how to get rich does not exist. There is no golden rule.
- Intelligence. You don't have to be a genius to get rich but some brain power is required. If your intelligence is below average then you will have a hard time. Intelligence is required, but not sufficient if you want to get rich from the internet.
- Motivation. This one is obvious. If you're not motivated to do it, you will eventually stop doing it. There are levels of motivation, from not motivated to fully motivated, and everything in between. You will probably not be 100% motivated all the time. We won't go into the details of motivation here, but nevertheless you won't get far with something if you lack motivation.
- Interest. If you have no interest in the business except the money and the rewards, then you will have a hard time. Making it to the top and building a solid business is hard, and if you lack interest in the business it will become difficult to persist.
- Knowledge. You need to be knowledgeable about a lot of different topics. If you are going solo and doing everything yourself, you must have a deep understanding of many things and you will have to constantly learn and educate yourself. You could also hire people or find partners. Find people that are experts in the areas where your knowledge and expertise is lacking.
- Money can be a requirement in some cases but not always. If you don't have money, you may seek help from investors or loan money in the bank. You don't have to be rich to get rich. But if you do have money to begin with, everything will probably be easier. Making a million is so much easier if you are starting with a million.
- Persistence is also required. You may not succeed at first, and you may fail hundred times. Your approach can always be changed, you can tweak your process, adjust your procedures, improve your routine, adjust your operation, develop your technique, try a different approach, find a better way, enhance your system, but if you give up it's over. The only thing you can do to succeed is to continue. You won't succeed unless you try, and you have to keep trying until you succeed.
- Hard and smart work. Very few people get rich instantly. There will always be the odd lottery winner and inherited money. Things like that. Most people will need to work hard just to pay for expenses. If your desire is to become rich online you must work harder than everybody else. But hard work is not enough. You will also have to work smart.
The List Of Get Rich Online Opportunities
In this list we have collected all opportunities on how to get rich online. This list will forever be a work in progress. New opportunities and ideas will be added.
- Build the next BIG thing on the web. Not Facebook, not Twitter, not YouTube, not Google. Something different but just as big. Shoot for the stars. Aim for the moon. No limits. You can do it. You can do anything. This strategy will probably not work. In fact it won't work for most entrepreneurs. By definition there can only be very few people making it to the top. It's the capture-one-percent-of-a-giant-market-strategy. Sometimes it does work. Often it does not.
- Build the next SMALL thing. This is a much better approach for most businesses. Facebook wasn't intentionally built to take over the world but look at what it has become. You will have a greater chance of success if you start with something small. Mark's Facebook began as and was targeted towards Harvard students, not the entire world. This is the capture-a-large-percent-of-a-small-market-strategy. This does work more often than the previous, and could be a great approach.
- Join a promising tech start-up. You don't have to be a founder to get rich online. Read about regular employees in the early days of Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Watsapp, Twitter and you will learn that you don't have to be the founder of a company to become rich.
- Affiliate marketing. Make money by promoting the products and services of other businesses online. Some people are making very good money doing this. There are lead generating companies valued at several billion dollars. In affiliate marketing the sky is the limit. Learn more from our free guides to affiliate marketing.
- Sell domains on Flippa, Sedo, GoDaddy and similar sites.
- Amazon FBA or Fullfilment by Amazon is basically done through dropshipping, and in this case something you will achieve 100% online without ever touching the product yourself. Another popular option would be to create your own product in China and ship to Amazon. You can learn a lot on Amazon FBA from YouTube but beware: Some of the FBA "gurus" can be dishonest and at best you will waste hours watching videos that really are not that valuable. We have an extensive guide to Amazon FBA if you are interested in learning more.
- Flipping websites. Buying sites cheap, maybe improve them, and sell them at a higher price.
- Build niche websites. Sell on Flippa, EmpireFlippers, similar sites, or use a website broker.
- Financial trading. Most people will lose money trading. Very few traders get rich but some do. It's possible to make millions and billions as a trader. Most traders will eventually lose everything they have accumulated and it's depressing really. You could be trading stocks, currencies, commodities, CFDs, ETFs, options, crypto currencies and a whole lot more. Trading is closely related to gambling, although many traders will disagree. But it is. Especially when it's leveraged trading. Go ahead, but know what you are getting yourself into before you will committ your own money. There are safe ways to trade, and there are dumb ways to trade. The majority of traders are ignorant and will trade the dumb way.
- Financial investing in stocks, commodities, funds or other financial assets. Trading and investing is not the same thing. In this context, trading is the frequent buying and selling of financial assets, while investing is more related to buying and holding financial assets.
- Learn from highly success people. For example, if you are into investing, look up people like Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Peter E. Lynch, John C. Bogle, George Soros, John Templeton, Carl Icahn, Jesse Lauriston Livermore, Bill Miller, Michael Steinhardt, Seth Klarman, Julian Robertson, John Maynard Keynes, Bill Ackman, Al-Waleed bin Talal, Carlos Slim, Bernard Baruch, Kirk Kerkorian, Donald Trump, Kenneth L. Fisher, Jim Cramer, Bill Gates, Peter Thiel.
- Learn from moderately successful people. You might extract valuable knowledge by studying the success of Microsoft and Bill Gates, but sometimes you can gain even more valuable insight by studying success at some smaller scale. Study moderately successful business in your niche, someone who is doing things better than yourself but still within your reach.