Quotes: I hate quotes!

Ah, the quotes. What is the purpose of spending any time at all reading short quote-snippets. Quotes are meaning taken out of context.

Why I hate quotes

You say it best when you say nothing at all. Or at least give me the context.

22. February 2025 by Clickinsider / Change your life

Are you searching for quotes?


Quotes (as in snippets of quotes on any subject gathered in an ugly soup) are stupid. Yes, they are stupid, and if you don't agree, you are stupid too. Says the miserable SmartLittleMan.

Quotes suck

Quotes are bad for you. What you should be reading is the full text in context.

Just as bad is quotes in in audio or video format. Short quotes in video snippets will not give you the idea, the meaning or the context of the words that was spoken.

Crushed in the face by irony

Feel free to quote this. The irony though, is that you are only allowed to quote short snippets of text from this website (maximum 1-2 sentences, with reference). Oh the irony. Feel free to quote this page, but by doing so you are misquoting me.

F you irony.

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